Adonia Lugo | Ph.D.
Urban Anthropologist


Adonia was born and raised in the ancestral homelands of the Acjachemen people, one of five children born to a Mexican immigrant and a third-generation white settler in Southern California. Her family's dialogue about being mixed race in a colonized region opened her eyes to the cultural diversity and power inequities that shape our environments. Adonia has focused her engaged scholarship on the intersections of race, class, and urban mobility, and she received a PhD in Anthropology from the University of California, Irvine in 2013. She has spent most of her professional life in Tongva territory and strives to practice re-Indigenizing at work and at home. Adonia is proud to be a co-founder of CicLAvia, People for Mobility Justice, and the Untokening. She was the lead editor of the "Untokening 1.0 Principles of Mobility Justice" released in 2017 and her book, Bicycle/Race: Transportation, Culture, & Resistance, was published by Microcosm Publishing in 2018. Adonia has supported Pueblo Planning since its founding and joined the staff in Fall 2021. She also chairs the MA in Urban Sustainability at Antioch University Los Angeles.