Energy Democracy
In pursuit of Energy Justice, Pueblo Planning partnered with Emerald Cities Collaborative, to co-develop Popular Education materials and facilitation guides intended to equip community members to advocate for energy democracy in their communities nationwide. Pueblo Planning and Emerald Cities Collaborative co-created an accessible, inclusive, and trauma-informed curriculum around Energy Democracy. These efforts were intended to normalize the conversation around energy and to break down areas of energy democracy for service providers to share with various communities, including topics addressing issues of racism, inequity, inequitable access, health, and land rights; the type of energy we use, pollution, and energy policy goals; fair labor and wages, economic ownership, workforce development and training, finance, and adequate training and transitional assistance for those formerly employed by exploitative institutions (ex. coal miners); as well as how decisions are made, who controls the energy and political process, and where ownership ultimately lies. This process was in hopes of jumpstarting a journey towards reparation of past harms, regeneration after exposure to extractive practices, and reinvestment by putting resources back into the community.
Popular Education | Workshop Development
Project Team
Shalem Aboody-López
Cultural Strategist & Memory Worker
Adonia Lugo
Urban Anthropologist
Araceli Medina
Relationship Cultivator
J Ordaz
Design Justice Coordinator